Find Your Perfect Pet Do you have a pool? * Yes Does a hot tub count? A bathtub is like a really small pool. I have running water. Are you allergic to any animals? * I am allergic to fur. I am allergic to feathers. No. Describe your living situation. * I live in a palace. I live in a house. I live in an apartment. I live with my parents but they want a pet too. I’m very into camping. Do you have any other pets at home? * No No, but I have children. Yes, but only very small ones. Yes, but they want more friends. Who will care for your new pet? * Just me. My partner and I will share responsibility. It will be a family pet. I will hire a butler specifically to care for my new pet. How much free time do you have per week? * 3-5 hours 6-8 hours 8-10 hours 10+ hours How much time are you willing to spend with your pet every day? * 1-2 hours 3-5 hours 6-10 hours 10+ hours How much are you willing to pay to buy a pet? * $0 $50 $200 $500 $1000 I am Bill Gates. How often will you be able to feed your pet? * 2x per day 3x per day 4x per day Not a specific schedule Anytime it needs food How big is your backyard? * Giant Medium There is some grass near my house. I live in a concrete jungle. How often would you be willing to bathe your pet? * Weekly Monthly Occasionally Never Do you want a pet that is always clean and smells good? * No Not Really Maybe Yes Are you willing to adjust your house so it’s safer for your pet? * Yes Maybe Not Really No Do you have kids around? * No Sometimes Yes, but they are older Yes Do you frequently go out in the evenings? * Yes Sometimes Rarely No How would you describe your job? * 9-5 Part time Work from home I travel a lot I’m working on myself right now. Some animals might bite or scratch you unintentionally. What do you think about that? * I love biting and scratching. It’s okay. It needs to stop. I don’t like it. I can’t stand it. What is your main reason for getting a pet? * Snuggling. To protect me and my home. I need someone to go on walks with. I need someone to love. Biting and scratching. Do you like napping? * No, I am a robot. Yes, but only after eating a feast. Yes, my nickname in college was naptime. Yes, I’m napping right now.